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Konwersatorium im. Jerzego Pniewskiego-Wydział Fizyki 26.03.2018

Uprzejmie zawiadamiamy, że w dniu 26 marca 2018 roku o godz 16:30, w sali 0.03 Wydziału Fizyki UW, ul. Pasteura 5 odbędzie się konwersatorium im. Jerzego Pniewskiego, na którym prof. Peter G. Thirolf (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, Garching, Niemcy) wygłosi referat zatytułowany: „On the road towards  a nuclear clock: what do we know about the 229-Thorium isomer”.

Od godz. 16 zapraszamy uczestników na kawę i nieformalne dyskusje do holu przed salą 0.03.


Today most precise time and frequency measurements are performed with optical atomic clocks. However, it has been proposed that they could potentially be outperformed by a nuclear clock, which employs a nuclear transition instead of an atomic shell transition. A nuclear clock promises intriguing applications in applied as well as fundamental physics, ranging from geodesy and seismology to the investigation of possible time variations of fundamental constants. There is only one known nuclear state that could serve as a nuclear clock using currently available technology, namely, the isomeric first excited state of 229Th. Since 40 years nuclear physicists have targeted the identification and characterization of this elusive object. Recently, the first direct detection of this nuclear state could be realized via its internal conversion decay branch. Subsequently, a  half life of the neutral isomer was measured.  Most recently, collinear laser spectroscopy was applied to resolve the hyperfine structure of the thorium and paving the way towards an all-optical control and thus the development of an ultra-precise nuclear frequency standard.

Data publikacji: 14 marca 2018

Data ostatniej modyfikacji: 26 marca 2018